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Westport Together strives to bring more community conversation and collaboration between agencies and organizations committed to promoting Positive Youth Development. With the collective experience and resources of our partners, we can work together to to make Westport a stronger community for our youth and families. 

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The Aspetuck Health District (AHD) is a governmental agency which provides local public health services. AHD is governed by a Board of Directors appointed by the First Selectpersons of Westport, Weston, and Easton.

Environmental Health works to prevent and control the spread of disease in the environment and responds to local environmental emergencies.

Community Health provides health promotion and disease prevention through education, screenings, immunizations and surveillance.

Emergency Preparedness conducts planning activities to prepare for and respond to emergencies. These include threats of pandemic influenza, biological terrorism, and other hazards. 


Westport Pride's goal is to create an affirming culture in Westport that supports the full LGBTQ+ and serves as a beacon to all. 

Contact Us

Westport Department of Human Services

110 Myrtle Ave., Room 200; Westport, CT 06880

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