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According to our 2024 Youth Survey:


Westport 12th graders drink at 1.6x the US rate - & 7th graders drink more than in other area towns

39% youth who drink do so at home with parents present

Low perception of harm from substance use in 7th grade

Beer Bottles

Have you seen our Postcards?

This campaign was funded through  the Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services Local Prevention Grant

Postcard 1 Front.jpg
Rooftop Party

CT Social Hosting Laws

What Does the Data Show? 

Are all Westport kids drinking?


No! The good news is that the majority (75%) of Westport kids in Grades 7-12 are NOT drinking. But our 2024 Westport youth survey found that: 

●15% of all 7th-12th students drank in the past month ●5% of MS students

●25% of HS students (higher than CT state average) 

●38% of seniors drank in the past month

>3x greater substance use by youth whose 

parents don’t feel daily underage alcohol use is wrong, compared with those whose parents disapprove

The rates of substance use have dropped since our 2021 survey but there's still a little work to do. Having the conversations with our kids is important and there are resources below to help. 

Which kids are most likely to drink?


According to our survey data:


  • Overall, boys report slightly higher rates of alcohol, cannabis and vaping compared with girls​

  • 7% of MS boys used alcohol compared with 3% of MS girls​

  • In HS, 31% LGBTQ+ students drink vs 23% of non-LGBTQ+ students 

What Can We Do?

Have the Conversations

Help Reduce Access

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Liquor Stickers

In an effort to thwart underage drinking, Westport launched a "Liquor Sticker" awareness campaign to get parents to make it harder for their children to access alcohol at home and spark conversations.

Promote Healthy Alternatives

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Stay Informed

What is the Social Host Law?

Connecticut has a Social Host Law, which makes the property owner/renter responsible if anyone underage is drinking on their property. So even if you didn't know that kids were sneaking your alcohol, you can get charged with a Class A Misdemeanor: 

  • $2000 fine

  • up to 1 year in jail

  • or both!

So... Lock Your Liquor!

How much is a standard drink? 

In the United States, a "standard" drink contains about 14 grams of alcohol. That's the amount in:

  • 12 oz of beer (if the beer is 5% Alcohol by Volume)

  • 5 oz of wine (if the wine is 12% Alcohol)

  • 1.5 oz (1 shot) of liquor (if the liquor is 40% Alcohol, aka 80 proof)

A regular size wine bottle contains about 5 standard drinks. Drinks in restaurants are often 2 or more "standard" drinks. For example, wine may come in 6oz-9oz amounts. A cocktail often contains 2 shots. Learn more & get tools for making changes at Rethinking Drinking.

What are good educational resources?

For Kids: Ask Listen Learn 

How many drinks are safe?

  • In CT, an adult is legally intoxicated if their Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) level is 0.8. A person under age 21 is legally intoxicated if their BAC is 0.2. 

  • Sex and weight affect how fast the body metabolizes alcohol. (See BAC graphic below.)

  • The average adult American female will reach a BAC of 0.8 between 2 and 3 standard drinks.

  • The average adult American male will reach a BAC of 0.8 after 3 standard drinks.  

  • It takes the body about 1 3/4 hours to process one standard drink.

  • Binge drinking is when people consume 4-5 (or more) drinks within 2 hours--far more than the body can process. Health effects can include overdose, brain damage, and death. 

  • See CT's Driving Under the Influence laws here.

Understand How Common Prescriptions Interact w/ Alcohol

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Past Programs 

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Westport Department of Human Services

110 Myrtle Ave., Room 200; Westport, CT 06880

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